Pro-Rec's Synth
Sound Cards & Disks for
the Korg M1 & Compatibles

Here's information on our sounds
for the Korg M1 & Compatibles!

Our synth sounds have been TOP RATED
in "Keyboard," "Electronic Musician," "Recording,"
"Korg Connection," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic UK" & many more!

We can email these sounds to you!


Pro-Rec offers four complete banks for the Korg M1, with
100 voices and 100 combinations each. Our M1 sounds have
been TOP RATED in "Keyboard" magazine... in their 'shootout'
of the best M1 sounds around the world, we got the BEST
reviews of any library (see top reviews below)!

Titles Pro-Rec Offers for the Korg M1:
Super Dance
Super M Synth
M1 Natural

M1 Disk Prices:

Mac or PC Email: $39.90 Each
Special: Get All 4 M1 Mac or PC Disks, JUST $99!
Floppy Disks: (Same)
ROMs: Special: Get All 4 M1 ROMs, JUST $199!
$69.90 Each

We can email these sounds to you!

Check out Korg's quotable on our sounds,
coming from Korg management, itself...:

"Play and enjoy the sounds - they're really quite good!!"

- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Korg management's comments on our company, Pro-Rec:
"Pro-Rec is a fine and reputable company who has been providing valuable sound support
for Korg products for ten years now. There aren't many third party companies
left anymore making new sounds to enhance your use of your instruments -
they provide a good and valuable service to all of us!"

- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Super Dance features rich, dynamic, powerful dance and pop
synth hits, leads, basses and keys - a great collection of
superior dance/pop sounds for your M1! High quality sounds!

Patch Names:
00 Pana Bright 25 SuperKalim 50 DynaRounds 75 Tri Digital
01 PanaString 26 Saws Bass 2 51 DigitlKeys 76 MalleWaves
02 Quadralog 27 Pulsealog 52 Syn Brass 77 KarimTrems
03 Pro Hydra 28 WaveTron 53 Pulse Lead 78 Computone
04 AquaTron 29 Malletine 54 PicksVoces 79 MalleoBell
05 SuperPiano 30 Hyperflute 55 Vocal Pops 80 PanaToincs
06 Ultra Poly 31 Wire Keys 56 Pop Brush 81 Phaseolog
07 PanaPoly 32 PhaseWaves 57 Dance Organ 82 Aqua Pads
08 Ana TriLog 33 MallePad 58 PanaSweeps 83 DigiSweeps
09 HelioTron 34 Poly Bass 1 59 CompuTri 84 Vocalon
10 HelioTones 35 Poly Bass 2 60 Pop Voice 85 DigiPulse
11 Pong Pluck 36 DigiBass 1 61 IndianFlute 86 Vocollect
12 PanaPhones 37 DigiBass 2 62 Mallepluck 87 Super Sax1
13 Pop LIghts 38 PulseBass1 63 ChoruPicks 88 VocoPulse
14 Pulsators 39 Pan Mallets 64 Voco Hit 89 PanaSync
15 Fast Plucks 40 DanceDrms1 65 DigitPiano 90 Pana Flute
16 SuperPicks 41 DigiTones 66 MalleoLog 91 Poly Plick
17 Helio Poly 42 Bright Syn 67 SuperMuteT 92 CompuChiff
18 Asia Bass 43 Syn Trump 68 LowBass 93 DigiWave5
19 Paseo Sun 44 Fast Vocals 69 PulseBass2 94 Soft Sine
20 GlassFlute 45 Nightly Pad 70 Paleo Bass 95 VocoShifts
21 SmoothPads 46 PanaBells 71 Asia Pulse 96 Poly Revs
22 Panamax 47 Panalucks 72 DynaSound 97 PanaLights
23 PulseDigtl 48 Vocaplucks 73 Wave Pulse 98 Silent Pop
24 Panapads 49 P Brights 74 Panalogs 99 Trem Percs

100 high quality programs and 100 combinations per bank.

M1 Super Dance was TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD! "We love this card...
Super Dance is filled with edgy, grating, annoying and wonderfully
inventive patches - just the thing for dance/industrial/rave/techno/house
fanatics. ...plenty of hot basses, fat pads, and percussive
description-defying whatsits to satisfy the most
discriminating key pounder." Michael Marans, Keyboard.

Super M Synth offers a rich collection of dynamic synths,
including super synth hits, keys, strings, pads, basses and more.
High quality, original synth sounds for your M1!

00 AnalogMixx 25 Rich Pad 1 50 PeleoBass 75 SuperPiano
01 MalleSynth 26 AnaPulses 51 Reeds Bass 76 Pole SFX
02 TTriPulses 27 LoicLogg 52 AnaBass 1 77 PolyPianos
03 Sqre Hydra 28 DigitlWire 53 T Hydratic 78 SprGuitKys
04 PaleoSound 29 Dyna Picks 54 PadraBass11 79 Digitalls2
05 PanaRhythm 30 OrganPluck 55 ToincWaves 80 Cosmo 1
06 Hydro Saws 31 Super Saw 56 MagneBrass 81 Metallics
07 HydraOrgan 32 MetalSynth 57 MalleChoir 82 MicroPulse
08 HydroSynth 33 StrngChoir 58 Saw Phases 83 Saw Pads 2
09 KarimaBell 34 DigiWave1 59 QuadraKarim 84 SoftChoirs
10 HydraWires 35 DigiWave2 60 DigitalHit 85 CompuFX
11 DigiPPiano 36 DigiWave 61 BellsVibes 86 Night Pads
12 SynPiano 37 Pana Lingo 62 Pop Polys 87 MalleNight
13 Pop Sounds 38 BellShifts 63 Digi EP 1 88 NightClicks
14 PhaserPoly 39 Super EP 1 64 Digi EP 2 89 PanaBamboo
15 DigiPicks 40 DanceDrms2 65 SuperWaves 90 Micro Lore
16 PadraPolys 41 BambooKeys 66 PicksChoir 91 SilntFlute
17 Dynahit EP 42 PulseToinc 67 WiresSynth 92 New Synths
18 HelioKarim 43 DigiSounds 68 WireVoices 93 River Pads
19 VocalFlex 44 BiDigital 69 Sticky Saws 94 SoftStrings
20 Hydra Pads 45 WaverVibes 70 GuitKeys 1 95 Elasticcs
21 Pop Karims 46 UnderPluck 71 Organ Wave 96 Finalysis
22 PaleoTron 47 Syn Piano2 72 Light Saws 97 PlaneChoir
23 MalleBass 48 HeloString 73 Soft Saws 98 SinePluck
24 PelioFlute 49 Pop Blocks 74 DigiPitch 99 Glasseus

100 high quality programs and 100 combinations per bank.

M1 Super M Synth was TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD!: "Cutting,
static-filled synth textures. A treasure trove of choppy, punchy sounds
for the techno-minded. Not a 'standard' collection by any stretch.
...This collection has enough crunchy analog synth standouts to
attract dance-music artists." Greg Rule, Keyboard Magazine.

Filmtexture offers 3-dimensional, dynamic musical synth
textures perfect for filmtracks and hard to find sounds.
Absolutely original, dynamic and room-filling sounds!

00 Planetlog 25 PeloFlutes 50 DynaRounds 75 Panalights
01 PanaString 26 Hyperoids 51 Spacelogs 76 Piesines
02 TinePlucks 27 RichWaves 52 SawSweeps 77 SoftStrings
03 Night Choir 28 Spacials 53 Plexidigs 78 AquaSpoons
04 PitchPlex 29 Plenisis 54 VocalPlex 79 MalleChoir
05 StarryPads 30 PhaseShift 55 Spectrosis 80 Aqualesis
06 TrueSweeps 31 NiteChorus 56 Pop Trems 81 Dynalog
07 SuperMalet 32 Compumalet 57 Sync Saws 82 Aquapads
08 Hydralog 33 PickWave 58 Fluteosis 83 Pluckarim
09 Heliotron 34 AquaDigits 59 CompuTri 84 SpaceWaves
10 Paleonics 35 PadWaves 60 Planevoice 85 DigiPulse
11 Quadrapane 36 CompuSInes 61 IndianFlut 86 Compuflute
12 VocoPulses 37 Mallesis 62 Quadrafeet 87 DigiPads
13 Speluncss 38 IndianVoce 63 A TakeOff 88 RhythmTrem
14 Animations 39 PanaBamboo 64 Spectross 89 Grasshopper
15 WaterWaves 40 UltraBends 65 Soft Piano 90 Spacecast
16 FluteLight 41 DigiTones 66 Vocosweeps 91 Aliemesage
17 ReveHydras 42 PlexaSweep 67 WindFlutes 92 Panablips
18 SecretBell 43 HydroOasis 68 Space Keys 93 SlowWaves
19 Soft Hydra 44 TremBamboo 69 PanaWarms 94 Aquabubbles
20 Brillisweep 45 SpaceBlock 70 Vocoplexus 95 Elevatrix
21 RichMallet 46 Alternatus 71 AltoRhythm 96 Pop Falls
22 AnaNights 47 PlaneSquare 72 T Heavens 97 Quadralore
23 PhaserPoly 48 HydraWires 73 PingPulses 98 SpaceCoptr
24 SoftBamboo 49 PolyPlanar 74 PeloVoices 99 HeloHeaven

100 high quality programs and 100 combinations per bank.

M1 Natural is filled with rich, dynamic, expressive natural,
acoustic and light synth patches. From beautiful, layered pianos
and EPs to ethereal, room-filling light synth textures,
M1 Natural is filled with some highly usable sounds.

00 PanaKarim 25 PeloFlutes 50 Bright Poly 75 PlexaChoir
01 Pana Light 26 TrembleEPs 51 TremWaves 76 Piesines
02 PanaFlutes 27 Rich Waves 52 KarimWires 77 String Pad2
03 Claviwaves 28 Pana Saws 53 Semi Shaku 78 PhaseVoices
04 Syn Choirs 29 Plenesis 54 DigiPiano1 79 MalleChoir
05 PianoStrgs 30 Pop Strings 55 SuperWaves 80 ChoirMixxs
06 Soft Picks 31 CompuMalet 56 Super T Sax 81 SoftFlutes
07 SuperMalet 32 SoftVoices 57 SuperFlugl 82 Pana Organ
08 Hydralogs 33 VibeNights 58 PanaChoirs 83 Pluckarim
09 PadraMalet 34 SuperDPian 59 VocalLight 84 SuperGBass
10 Malletines 35 SineString 60 Pluckarims 85 Mild Bass
11 Vocasis 36 SuperTrump 61 EP Lights 86 Epi Lights
12 SoftSines 37 Poly Brass 62 Light Pops 87 PanaRiches
13 Pop Picks 38 Pop Picks 63 VocalSense 88 River Pads
14 DigitlKeys 39 KarimTrem 64 E Guitar 1 89 NightMalet
15 PicksHeavn 40 EP Vocals 65 DanceOrgan 90 ChoirVoces
16 SynthHeven 41 FastString 66 SineoPulse 91 HevnBottle
17 Sine Trems 42 PlexBottle 67 Wind Flutes 92 LostFlutes
18 PanaMallet 43 M PickBass 68 Vocal Keys 93 BellsLight
19 Bells Keys 44 OrganChoir 69 Vocalesque 94 NightChoir
20 HydraMalts 45 MultiPicks 70 OrganLight 95 Glasseus
21 KarimPads 46 Magicalls 71 HolowString 96 SoftChoral
22 AnaNights 47 A Guitar 1 72 M Heavens 97 PluMalets
23 SuperPiano 48 AltOrgan 1 73 Super EP 1 98 HeloHeaven
24 PanaSweeps 49 Helo Flute 74 TribalToms 99 PanaSines

100 high quality programs and 100 combinations per bank.

M1 Natural was also TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD! "Plenty of
warm, beautiful sounds, suitable for atmospheric effects and new
age tracks." Jim Aikin, Keyboard Magazine


M1 Super Dance was TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD! "We love this card...
Super Dance is filled with edgy, grating, annoying and wonderfully
inventive patches - just the thing for dance/industrial/rave/techno/house
fanatics. ...plenty of hot basses, fat pads, and percussive
description-defying whatsits to satisfy the most
discriminating key pounder." Michael Marans, Keyboard.

M1 Super M Synth was TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD!: "Cutting,
static-filled synth textures. A treasure trove of choppy, punchy sounds
for the techno-minded. Not a 'standard' collection by any stretch.
...This collection has enough crunchy analog synth standouts to
attract dance-music artists." Greg Rule, Keyboard Magazine.

M1 Natural was also TOP RATED IN KEYBOARD! "Plenty of
warm, beautiful sounds, suitable for atmospheric effects and new
age tracks." Jim Aikin, Keyboard Magazine

We can email these sounds to you!

Click on these boxes
for more info on our products:

Pro-Rec offers high quality sounds and
samples for almost every synth and sampler
to musicians all around the world!

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And get your synths and other hardware from:

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Our CD-ROMs and synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
"Trinity Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.

San Diego

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©2021 Pro-Rec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 25 Years!
Order now!


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